HPAI Information
As the situation with HPAI evolves, it is imperative that our members have the latest information about the outbreak.
Here is a fact sheet pertaining to managing birds during the recent HPAI outbreaks: Managing birds on your farm during HPAI.
There are digital links on the backside of this fact sheet that connect people to various HPAI resources from Cornell and partners, the NYS DEC policies regarding nuisance animals (including birds), and a USDA APHIS resource about improving biosecurity.
Where do I report sick birds?
If you think your flock has been exposed to HPAI in Seneca County, contact:
NPIP (National Poultry Improvement Program):
There are many hatcheries that participate in this program, which tests against poultry diseases, including Avian Influenza. Participating hatcheries also have biosecurity measures in place to help mitigate the risk of disease on their farms, which means a lower risk to you if you’re buying chicks in. If you aren’t sure if the hatchery you source from is NPIP certified, you can use this NPIP Participants States page to search for them (the map is clickable): http://www.poultryimprovement.org/statesContent.cfm
Defend the Flock - Resource Center
The Defend the Flock Resource Center brings together biosecurity information and free resources from USDA and other experts, including growers, veterinarians, state agencies, scientists, and industry professionals.
All the information you need to practice good biosecurity is available here , including checklists, resource guides, videos, and other tools: www.aphis.usda.gov
Best practices include:
In addition to practicing good biosecurity, poultry owners should keep their birds away from wild ducks and geese and their droppings. Outdoor access for poultry should be limited at this time.
The New York specific hatchery page can be found here:
More information about how raptors are affected by this virus was shared by the University of Minnesota on 2/28/22. The link to the webinar recording can be found at: https://mediaspace.umn.edu/media/t/1_n0drrg4
HPAI in Dairy Cows Recording Available
The HPAI webinar from Thursday, June 13 is now available as a recording:https://vod.video.cornell.edu/media/NEDPA+NYFB+HPAI+Update+June+13+2024/1_vmhtk21s
This presentation, sponsored by New York Farm Bureau and NEDPA, in conjunction with Cornell University featured a panel of veterinarians from Cornell PRO DAIRY, the College of Veterinary Medicine and dairy industry representative Dr. Carie Telgen.
Last updated February 10, 2025