Atwater Estates vineyard; winery; grapes
Image by Logan Ingalls

Finger Lakes Grape Program Enrollment 2025

Finger Lakes Grape Program Enrollment 2025

To enroll:
Fill out this ENROLLMENT FORM and mail or email to
Pay by check (info in enrollment form) or by PayPal using the “DONATE” button below

Dear Seneca County Grape Grower/Vineyard Owner:

In order to better serve the needs of the grape and wine industry in Seneca County, Cornell Cooperative Extension of SenecaCounty (CCE Seneca) is a founding member of the FingerLakes GrapeProgram (FLGP).A consortium of six Finger Lakes CCE Associations and Cornell University, the FLGP provides a Viticulture Specialist, technicians as well as the support of Cornell University and the national Land Grant system to assist you in producing the best grapes and wine possible.

Per FLGP’s request, CCE Seneca continues to be responsible for the enrollment of Seneca County vineyard owners into the program.When you enroll in the FLGP, you have a direct link to the latest information from Cornell and other resources around the country on topics that are important to you as a grape grower including pest management, vineyard nutrition, crop management, and farm business and marketing. The FLGP remains committed to providing you with important and timely information through a variety of means to help you produce the best crop possible, as efficiently as possible.

Your participation as a member supports the overall FLGP and CCE Seneca’s continued involvement as well as providing specific benefits.For 2025, theenrollment fee remains $75 whichentitlesyouto:

  • The Finger Lakes Vineyard Update email messages
  • Veraison to Harvest Newsletter
  • Grower Tailgate meetings throughout the summer
  • Vineyard consultations with FLGP viticulture staff
  • Important announcements about upcoming meetings and workshops

You can also purchase copies of the 2025 New York and Pennsylvania Pest Management Guidelines for Grapes with your enrollment. This Guideline is expected to be available late March or early April of 2025.Stated costs include postage. The Grape IPM Guidelines will again be available online in 2025, but there is a cost to access them. If you are interested in purchasing online access to the Guidelines, you can do so through the Cornell Store:

The Finger Lakes Grape Program website remains:

Thank you for your consideration and support of this important CCE Team and we look forward to your active participation in the coming year.


Judy Wright

Agricultural Economic Development Specialist


Judy Wright
Sr. Agriculture Economic Specialist
315-539-9251 ext. 109

Last updated January 27, 2025