
County 4-H Horse Communications


County 4-H Horse Communications

  • Saturday, March 29, 2025, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

The NYS 4-H Horse Communications contest is an event for qualifying youth to compete and show off communications and public speaking skills. The event is centered around the horse world, encompassing a wide variety of topics. As this is a state level event, youth will be evaluated at a high level with constructive comments offered to help youth improve. The NYS 4-H Horse Communications Program is one of our most beneficial programs as it allows youth to learn and practice public speaking skills that can be used in the future.

Youth are asked to choose an equine topic of interest, research, and then present on it. Individual presentations, demonstrations, or team presentations are encouraged. Any 4-H member can present. Junior age group is 8 to 13 years old (4-H age). Senior age group is 14-19 years old (4-H age). 

Horse presentations should be 9-12 minutes in length for individuals and 10-15 minutes for teams in length. 

The Public Speaking contestants should have their speeches be 7-10 minutes in length. Penalties are applied if presenters are under the allotted time or over the allotted time at this level. 

Three senior presenters and three junior presenters are chosen out of equine (3 of each age division) to advance. Youth who excel at these levels can be chosen to go on to State and National level.


Rachel Williams
4-H Youth Development Issue Leader

Last updated February 18, 2025