Have you ever thought about using your knowledge and skill to help your neighbor woodland owners?
Join the hundreds of woodland owners who have served their neighbors since 1991.
As a woodland owner you have a unique perspective and status that allows you to serve as a peer-to-peer counselor to help other woodland owners in your area. You are invited to the annual training for Cornell’s Master Forest Owner (MFO) volunteers. This training is open for new volunteers and previously trained volunteers seeking a refresher.
Applicants selected to participate will join in 7 weekly online sessions via Zoom, and subsequently meet in person in May-June for a one-day field session at one of multiple locations within the state.
Online sessions are from 6:30pm – 7:30pm on Wednesdays starting Tuesday, March 21 through Tuesday, May 2, 2023.
Topics include:
All woodland owners in NY are welcome.
For consideration to participate in the training, follow these steps to be completed by Tuesday, March 14, 2023.
If you have questions about the MFO program, you can learn more at www.CornellMFO.info or from Program Director Peter Smallidge at pjs23@cornell.edu or 607-592-3640.
The fee is $35 per person and $50 per couple which includes the full training and supplies and resources provided at the field session. Previously trained volunteers are also welcome at $18/person and $25/couple.
This event is online
Last updated February 15, 2023