Save the date! Animal Crackers 2025
Save the Date! Animal Crackers 2025
Saturday, May 3, 2025,
8:30 AM -
4:00 PM
Registration required. Deadline to register is TBD
Register online: TBD
(If you are unable to access the internet, please call CCE Seneca at 315-539-9251)
This year’s program will highlight the following species:
Goats, Rabbits and Poultry.
4-H youth 9-12 years old or those with beginner to intermediate knowledge of the covered species are invited to participate.
Interesting, educational, hands-on activities are planned to make Animal Crackers a memorable learning event. Participants will have the opportunity to learn while having fun with 4-H’ers from across NYS as they participate in a variety of interactive activities.
Participants must bring their own lunch and drinks.
Chaperones - Please review the chaperone information sheet on the Animal Crackers website: view online soon
2025 Animal Crackers Topics
(view online soon)
Donkeys are Different!
Donkeys and mules are just a few of the equines that you can also “lease” and show in the NYS 4-H program, even if you already own and show another equine.Learn about physical features and behaviors that make donkeys unique in the Equidae family. Why do they bray? Are they naturally stubborn? What uses do donkeys serve around the world? Learn more about these fascinating and fun creatures from a Cornell donkey expert.
Hammers and Clinchers: Farrier Tools 101
What do these tools have in common? They help keep horse hooves in good shape. Trimming and balancing of horses’ hooves and placing shoes on their hooves is the job of an experienced professional. Learn how to identify some common and unusual tools to help maintain a healthy horse.
Holey Cow!
Cows are ruminant animals. That means they have special digestive systems that help them break down high fiber feeds. Learn more about what cows eat and how their gut works by feeling a rumen in motion as you stick your arm into a fistulated cow. Ruminate that!
Cattle Genes
These are not the jeans you wear. Learn more about cattle breed traits and why some are well suited for different climates and purposes. Whether raised for meat, milk or both purposes, you will learn how to identify different breeds.
8:30–9:30 AM
Morrison Hall Lobby
9:30–9:50 AM
146 Morrison Hall
10:00AM – 12:10PM
Morning Workshops
Various Animal Science Locations
12:10 – 1:00 PM
Lunchtime – Break for lunch and participate in some fun lunch time activities! Bring Your Own Lunch!
Livestock Pavilion
1:10 – 3:20 PM
Afternoon Workshops
Various Animal Science Locations
3:30 – 4:00 PM
146 Morrison Hall
Information can also be found here:
view online soon
Fee $15 per youth. Adult chaperones are free.
Cornell campus (Morrison Hall)
507 Tower Rd
Ithaca, NY 14853
Last updated February 6, 2025