About 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl
Dairy Quiz Bowl contests allow youth to showcase their knowledge of the dairy industry, ruminant nutrition, calf health, food safety, crops, and other relevant fields in a Jeopardy style team competition.
These contests are offered at both the regional and state levels, at Beginner (8-10 years old), junior (9-14 years old), and senior (14-19 years old).
Youth must qualify at the regional level to qualify for the state level competitions. The top Beginner youth from each region are invited to a state level exhibition competition held during the State Fair, while top Junior and Senior teams compete at the State Dairy Bowl Contest held every April at Cornell University.
Educators will register their teams for these competitions. The winners of this competition have the opportunity to represent the state at national competitions.
For more information, go to: https://cals.cornell.edu/nys-4-h-animal-science-programs/state-events/contest-resources/dairy-quiz-bowl
Rachel Williams
4-H Youth Development Issue Leader
Last updated February 7, 2025